Monday, February 25, 2013


I'd like to give a big thank you to Matt King, a wonderful photographer who documented this work last fall when it was installed in Lacoste, France.

98 x 75 x 96 inches
Fabric, Acrylic, Pigment, Wood

This piece is an interactive work through which the audience may walk. It stands approximately 98 inches tall from the floor up and 75 inches wide, the sculpture stretches to 96 inches long. A tall man can stand inside of the piece comfortably and young children can run through the layers playfully.
Materially it is made of wood, cotton sheets, acrylic and pigment. The sheets were stained in buckets of acrylic paint and a synthetic blue pigment that I discovered in while in France.
This work deals with issues of space and landscape reflecting the vast skies through the blue gradient and the spaces between the sheets. It also emphases cave-like forms in the layers and negative contours removed from the fabric allowing the work to have an airy and determined structure.
It is reminiscent of a child like memory of running through the laundry hung to dry as well as having a feminist touch through the materials and wavy forms created by the drapery. Passing through this womb-like tunnel the work allows a different emotional response by walking from blue to white than when experiencing the work from white to blue. Inside one feels safe from the outside world because the layers block the peripheral vision from seeing beyond the work.

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