Friday, March 29, 2013

First and Second Translations

I have been working with a method that I call "translating". This is simply the act of interpreting and reacting to my environment, previous translations and my materials. All of these are influences in each work as it continues its metamorphosis through different mediums, dimensions and is affected by time, development of ideas and so forth.
Here are some images of my sketchbook (first translations) and digital drawings (second translations) that were created based on the first translation. These digital drawings will translate well to 3D models later on.


Digital Drawings: Photoshop

Chopsticks in one hand, Cintiq pen in the other...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thoughts: Good and Bad...

"Good" and "Bad" are irrelevant in the discussion of art. They, like the term "art", are impossible to define in terms of exact definitions or limitations. Every time the words good and bad used, they are implied in different contexts and therefore always have a different meaning. Not to mention the user's background, lifestyle and mindset which forms their personal vocabulary. Together good and bad imply a value range, but the parameters and boundaries of this scale don't exist.

Success is relative, a drawing by a proclaimed artist could look indistinguishable from a drawing that a first grader completed. However, the concept behind the Artists' work would greatly overwhelm that of the child's.

Saying that something is a good work of art is essentially meaningless because good doesn't mean anything without another work to compare it to. Even then, the works could vary in material, style, process and concept so much that a comparison would hardly do either work justice.

I myself am guilty of using these words and I don't think that they should be extinguished from the art world completely for I am a firm believer in positive affirmations and constructive feedback. However I have discovered that in describing something as "good" or "bad" is not specific enough to be informative, helpful or necessary in critique.

Monday, March 11, 2013

O'Keeffe Comparison

During critique someone said that Passage was like walking into a Georgia O'keeffe painting, this was a flattering comment and I did agree though it was not intended to be reminiscent of her work though I greatly admire her paintings. Today in my 20th Century Art History course another student gave a presentation on her work and included a few watercolors that were very similar to my installation. I am 98% sure that I did not see these paintings before making the installation though I was familiar with her more prominent works such as the Poppies and Skull compositions.

O'Keeffe, Watercolor
O'Keeffe, Watercolor

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Lost in between the lines

Here are some sketches that have been accumulating in my sketch book.